forsythe, jacqueline
| (971) 970-2889
forsythe, jacqueline

Heroes in Action - Oregon

DATE: Friday, October 7, 2022  |  TIME: 8:30 a.m.
LOCATION: Sentinel Hotel
ADDRESS: 614 SW 11th Ave, Portland, OR 97205


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Event description

The chefs, volunteers and guests who make up our Signature Chefs Events community are coming together in new, innovative ways to suport moms and babies this year.

We are following state mandated guidelines in response to COVID-19 and will not have an in-person event this year. So, we are preparing an exciting, new Virtual Gala for your 2020 March of Dimes Signature Chefs Auction experience!

We need your help now more than ever. Your support funds:

  • COVID-19 interventions and support for moms and babies
  • Programs that promote health equity for moms and babies and directly combat racial disparities in maternal and child health
  • Free virtual NICU support program for families
  • Virtual prenatal programs for moms-to-be
  • Educational programs, including live Facebook panel discussions, to get info into the hands of moms and families
  • Necessary supplies for expectant mothers including blood pressure cuffs and masks and so much more!

Support the mission

Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely worldwide, and 1 million will die before their first birthday. Your gift helps the March of Dimes fund research, education, advocacy and programs that help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.

Become a sponsor

Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely worldwide, and 1 million will die before their first birthday. Your gift helps the March of Dimes fund research, education, advocacy and programs that help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.

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HEROES IN ACTION: Honoring Outstanding Nurses and Maternal & Infant Health Providers

Join us at the newly reimagined HEROES IN ACTION, as we honor outstanding nurses and maternal & infant health providers across our state!

Whether serving as health care provider, educator, or researcher, you all play a critical role in advancing the mission of the March of Dimes: leading the fight for the health of all moms and babies. 

From May 5th to June 5th, 2022, colleagues, supervisors, and instructors nominated outstanding healthcare heroes in 16 diverse categories. You can view the complete list below.

We are grateful to our nominees, finalists, and winners, for helping to raise money for our mission--to lead the fight for the health of all moms and babies!  Your support of March of Dimes will help them reach their goal of $93,000, which will fund programs like:

* Free virtual/in-person NICU support programs for families
* Virtual prenatal programs for moms-to-be 
* Health equity for moms & babies, addressing racial disparities in maternal/child health 
* COVID-19 interventions and support for moms and babies 
* Educational programs for families, including live Facebook panel discussions
* Necessary supplies for expectant mothers, including blood pressure cuffs and masks
* And so much more!



Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely worldwide, and 1 million will die before their first birthday. Your gift helps the March of Dimes fund research, education, advocacy and programs that help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies. 
Donate today by clicking the pink button at the bottom of this page.



Chair: Lisa Ketchum, MSN, RN, NE-BC, Director, Women's & Children's Service Line / Salem Health

Lora Horn, BSN, MHA / Providence Portland
Barbara James, BSN, RNC, Service Line Director, Women’s and Children’s Services / PeaceHealth
Molly Blaser , MN, RN, NE-BC, Director, Women’s and Neonates / OHSU
Megan Ludena, MN, RNC-OB, NPD-BC / Kaiser Permanente
Niki Kruse, RN, BSN, MBA / Legacy Health
Anna Stiefvater, RN, BSN, MPH / Oregon Health Authority

For more information contact:

Alanna Lowery
[email protected]


2022 Heroes in Action Award Categories

The March of Dimes is honored to pay tribute to the nursing profession and all maternal & infant providers by recognizing extraordinary HEROES IN ACTION throughout the community. HEROES IN ACTION events honor those who make a difference in the lives of so many.

Category / Description

Advance Practice                                                                             
Registered Nurses who are Clinical Nurse Specialists, Certified Nurse Midwives, Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse Anesthetists or Nurse Psychotherapists.

Care Coordination, Occupational Health, Employee Health, Community & Public Health
Registered Nurses in Case Management, Transition Management, Transplant Coordinator, or other coordination of care position; nurses who work in community health, public health, K-12 schools or universities, and private practice nurses of any specialty.

Charge Nurse
Registered Nurses in general medical/surgical, critical care, or specialty units who function in the Charge Nurse role. Includes Registered Nurses who work in adult ICU/CCU, IMC, cardiac catherterization lab and special procedures, PTCA, Interventional Radiology.

Registered nurses who emergency department (adult and pediatric), flight, ambulance, pre-hospital, and telephone triage.

Excellence in Maternal Child Health
Registered Nurses involved in antepartum, labor & delivery, maternal/baby care, postpartum.

Health Equity Leadership Award   
Recognizes a person, hospital, or other entity who has displayed leadership in Health Equity.

Lifetime Achievement “Stork” Award    
Someone who demonstrates a lifetime commitment to the nursing profession and has recognized professional accomplishments that have contributed to improved care, systems or social change that have or will likely have the potential to positively impact future generations.

Medical Surgery
Registered Nurses who work in general medicine, surgical, orthopedics, oncology, renal, respiratory, cardiovascular; also those caring for patients in specialty long-term acute care hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and acute rehabilitation long-term care facilities.

Nurse Educator / Research /
Nursing Informatics
Registered Nurses who educate future nurses in either a university/community college/hospital
or other school/community setting; nurses who have contributed significantly to research within the nursing profession; nurses who integrate
nursing science with information technology to identify, define, manage and communicate data, information, and knowledge in nursing practice.

Nursing Leadership
Registered Nurses functioning as manager or associate manager roles

Registered nurses who work in behavioral health, clinics, hospice, home-health & palliative care, outpatient diagnostics, parish or prison nurses.

Registered Nurses who work in the nursery, general pediatric units, pediatric clinics, pediatric oncology settings, PICU, NICU, and private pediatric practices.

Rising Star
For the 2021 award, this category will recognize Registered Nurses who began their career during the pandemic.

Surgical Services
Registered Nurses who work in perioperative areas, PACU, Medical Procedure Units, day surgery, Operating Room, and endoscopy.


Our Sponsors

Our Sponsor

View our updated event acknowledgements and waivers here.